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Boletín de Noviembre 2009 (Vol. 3, nº. 10) Versión español

Newsletter November 2009 (Vol. 3, nº. 10) English version

Boletín de noticias \ Boletín Vol. 3, nº. 9 (Octubre, 2009)


The group coordinators of the National Health System’s Clean Hands Programme held a meeting on November 17 during which they approved benchmarking indicators to use in the monitoring of the program, and agreed upon new lines of work

Award of the Prize for Quality within the Scope of the National Health System in 2008 (December 15, 2009, Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Madrid). Registrations

All the presentations given at the 3rd Forum on the National Health Forum, held in Madrid, on October 22, 2009, may now be accessed

Last November 24, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy hosted A Day of Science: Transfer of knowledge into clinical practice. Products based on scientific evidence (“Jornada Científica: Traslación del conocimiento a la práctica clínica. Productos basados en la evidencia científica”), organized by the Ministry together with the Aragon’s Institute of Health Sciences

Concha Colomer, Adjunct Director General of the Office of Health Planning and Quality and the Director of the Women’s Observatory, of the Agency for Quality of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, took part in the Seminar Working together on mental health for social and economic integration (“Trabajando juntos en la salud mental por la integración económica y social”) (Madrid, November 20, European Social Network), with her presentation on Socio-sanitary cooperation within the Mental Health Strategy of the National Health System (“La cooperación sociosanitaria  en la Estrategia en Salud Mental del SNS”)

The Technical and Institutional Committees on Ictus Strategy in the NHS will be meeting at the Ministry of Health and Social Policy on 15th December to constitute The Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of the Strategy, to establish the main lines of action for next months, to present actions carried out for de Autonomous Communities related to the Strategy...

The CD-ROM titled “Recommendations for the Safe Use of Intravenous Potassium” is now available on the website of Patient Safety.

[+ destacamos]


Official announcements:


Recommended reading:


Suplemento Impacto

Suplemento en Seguridad del paciente

Enlaces de interés:

Acceso al Gabinete de Prensa - MSC

Acceda a: Notas de prensa, Agenda de actos, Discursos e intervenciones y Fotografías del Ministerio de Sanidad y Política social.


Alta de suscripciones a listas de correo de la Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud.